Scott Breen

Games Programmer

About me

My name is Scott Breen and I am a published games industry professional currently living in Derby, UK. You can find me on Github or occasionally on Twitter.

Here you'll find a collection of my experiences and expertise that accurately represent my various skills as a games programmer.


Here are some of the projects I have been working on in my own time:

Woodlands Harvest

Woodlands Harvest is a unique slide-to-match puzzle game for Android, iOS and WebGL, developed over 3 months using Unity.

Woodlands Harvest has Facebook integration, in-app purchases and Tapjoy (Ad/App Monetisation) integration.

The game dynamically scales to allow portrait or landscape gaming at any resolution, and features in-game boosters, a fully-featured tutorial and a very carefully balanced difficulty curve.

It is designed to be played socially, cross-platform and on any device (including older low-powered devices). It can also be played in a browser.

By modifying open-source early-generation games console emulators and integrating them with user accounts and central database, I have produced is designed to award players achievements for playing emulated games using a central hub for competition, collaboration and encourages user-led creation of further achievements.

The emulators themselves cannot be monetised, but interfacing with the website, wiki and forums will be ad-supported.

The interfacing code is written in C/C++ where appropriate to the existing emulator, and the web interface is written in PHP with MySQL backend. The site uses AJAX, Websockets, HTML, CSS, some Javascript and Amazon S3 integration.

Since March 2013, over 200,000 users have signed up, and over 28 million achievements have been awarded. The site regularly has between 400-1000 users online and attracts around 2m pageviews per month.


As an avid retro-gaming fan and programmer, I often dig through 8, 16 and 32-bit titles looking for unfound secrets with an eye to working out how these historic games worked. Here are some of the results of my efforts:

  • Desert Strike (Mega Drive) password generator
  • Link's Awakening remake written in WASM-4

  • Toys

    Here is the best of the rest:


    It has always been on my developer to-do list to put together a Mandlebrot fractal generator, so here it is, hosted on! Source can be found on github for your perusal, or download for Windows. Use mousewheel to zoom, click and drag to move around.

    More Info

    My full resume is currently available in .docx and .pdf format.

    Contact me at

    Professional Experience

    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Cover The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
    at Sumo Digital, 2023

    • - Major gameplay elements
    • - In charge of a small team of developers
    • - Optimisation CPU/GPU

    Hotshot Racing Hotshot Racing
    at Sumo Digital, 2020

    • - Core gameplay elements (drifting, AI)
    • - Integrated NoesisGUI from scratch
    • - Worked closely with UI
    • - Build system management

    Project Nova Project Nova (Eve Online)
    at Sumo Digital, 2019

    • - Responsible for AI
    • - Core gameplay; level design
    • - Optimisation; blueprint analysis

    Raid:WW2 Cover RAID: WW2
    at Sumo Digital, 2017

    • - Responsible for achievements/leaderboards incl. XDK/PSN backend
    • - Managed dynamic updates via TUS

    Sea of Thieves Cover Sea of Thieves (Prototype)
    at Rare, 2016

    • - Rapid prototyping and playtesting
    • - Bugfixing, fast turnaround
    • - Contributing to game design discussions

    007 Legends Cover 007 Legends
    at Eurocom, 2012

    • - Repsonsible for Multiplayer (online/offline)
    • - Iteration and improvement on previous title
    • - WiiU-specific game-mode

    Goldeneye 007: Reloaded Cover Goldeneye 007: Reloaded
    at Eurocom, 2011

    • - Repsonsible for Multiplayer (online/offline)
    • - Bugfixing with QA to TCR/TRC through to submission

    MotoGP 10/11 Cover MotoGP 10/11
    at Monumental Games, 2010

    • - Improved on existing work for UI/frontend
    • - Further improvements to the in-game HUD

    MotoGP 09/10 Cover MotoGP 09/10
    at Monumental Games, 2009

    • - Worked closely with UI/design to produce the frontend
    • - Developed a tweak-tool to aid iteration and development

    Football Superstars Cover Football Superstars
    at Monumental Games, 2009

    • - World environment level design
    • - Scripting using tcl/tk
    • - Playtesting and gameplay design


    BSc (Hons) Computer Games Programming at the University of Derby 2005-2009


    Here are some of the games I have developed, as both a student and a hobbyist:

    Physics demo (C++/DX)

    A graphical demo using TrueAxis, DirectX and TinyXML to create a dynamic, physics-based sandbox (open-source, hosted on Sourceforge). Allows telnet-like connections to remotely manage variables in real-time. See video below.

    Download from Sourceforge

    DirectX Runtime Web Installer

    Jeweled (C++/SDL)

    Two like-for-like imitations of the famous game Bejeweled, one written in C++ with SDL, and one in pure Tcl/Tk. Developed as a final deliverable for a 'Languages, Platforms and Tools' module at Derby University:

    Download (Win32)

    Download (Tcl/Tk)

    ActiveState ActiveTcl Tcl/Tk interpretter

    * To execute a Tcl/Tk file, you will need a Tcl/Tk interpretter such as ActiveTcl (see downloads).

    'Jeweled' (Bejeweled clone) screenshot

    NPCardGame (C++/SDL)

    A unique multiplayer networked card game for four people over TCP/UDP, where the object is to discard your hand by placing larger value cards down, or a '1'. Developed as a Network Programming module deliverable at Derby University.

    Download (Win32)

    Screenshot of NPCardGame - four players playing


    Here are some of the tools I have developed to ease or assist in software development. Sources should all compile under VS2008 unless otherwise stated.


    A tiny C# .NET gui app to easily find and remove any unwanted file extensions This was originally done to ease development across locations, without having to set up a CMS.

    Download (Win32)

    Download Source (C#)


    Another tiny C# .NET gui app to build a list of text fetched from the clipboard.

    Download (Win32)

    Download Source (C#)